DISC Workshop

Have you ever wondered why some of your team at work (and even your nearest and dearest at home) – just don’t seem to hear what you are saying, and therefore the things that matter just don’t get done?

Why is it that sometimes communication just seems so difficult and why is it that almost without exception there isn’t one organisation (or couple) that don’t think communication could be better.

If this can be improved - can you imagine how this would benefit your day to day dealings with people, your business and your personal relationships?

What a lot of people don’t understand is that we don’t all communicate in the same way, and what one person hears another hears completely differently.  This is why the email, the passing message, the briefing notes or even the one to one conversation may not deliver the right response for some people, even if you feel the message has been communicated effectively.  We talk about the Art of Communication but it is also very much a Science, and guess what, it isn't rocket Science!

This event explores the reasons why communication can be difficult and how you can solve some of the problems.

If offers a way to identify how people communicate and be communicated to

It offers solutions to break down barriers and make communication far more effective

And it therefore produces the results of;

  • Better productivity,
  • Happier teams,
  • Greater efficiency,
  • Improved sales (yes it has powerful applications to the sales process!)
  • And stronger inter-personal relationships.

Our Next Workshop

The Secret of Effective Communication using the DISC Profiling Model.

Thursday July 7th 2022 , 9.00 am to 10.30 am

If you would like to improve your business with a better understanding of your teams and employees, join us for this workshop which will help you identify the different styles and patterns of communication and behaviour and help you to speak their language.

Sign Up Below

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